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Anna's Childrens Stories

Final Reflection

"There is no shred of evidence that exsists in favor of the idea that life is serious."

This has been a fun and crazy semester.  I really learned a lot I never really thougt about when reading childrens stories.  I really enjoyed working with the sixth graders at Tibbetts, even if I was as tall as most of them and they thought I was an eight grader!  I realized how much teachers do and it reinforced my utmost respect for them and what they take on everyday!  This class has been a blast and I feel like I will take many of the different things along with me in life in many ways, such as parenting and my job.  I had a blast and was so happy to get to meet some new people and try something other than comm., psyc. or soc. Have a great summer!!! :)